Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Perfect stranger

Sometimes I actually wish that life would be more like a movie, pieces just falling into place, it seems so easy doesn't it?

Meeting someone who's passion is travelling the world, speaks more than three languages fluently is picture perect, add some wine a French movie to that. Oh, and the beautiful stars shining bright in the sky, and that somebody holding your hand every landing, starting, every time you get tense because of the turbulence when flying, just because you're insanely terrified, no matter how many times you fly.
My naive wish I wrote the other day came true yesterday. In other words, I've arrived safely in Nairobi and actually had the most pleasant flight, ever.  Of course, just like in the movies, we were heading in different directions.
Live life, no regrets.

1 comment:

  1. Men när kommer uppföljaren? När kommer era vägar korsas igen och ni kommer aldrig vilja släppa taget om den andra?
